Privacy Policy

Collection of your personal information

Google Analytics is active on this site, and it collects non-identifying information such as browser type and operating system. It does so to count visitors to the site and its constituent pages. Google Analytics collects this information using cookies.

In general, you can take the following actions if you wish to avoid being tracked by Google Analytics:

This website is powered by Hugo, and I have configured its privacy settings to tell Google Analytics to

  • anonymise your IP address, and
  • respect the “Do Not Track” option if you have configured it in your browser.

Sharing of your personal information

This is described on the Google Analytics privacy page.

Besides Google Analytics no other information is collected, and so no other information can be shared.

Use of your personal information

Google Analytics presents me with usage reports based on the (non-personally identifiable) information it collects. These are presented in aggregate, and so do not allow me to identify any individual visitor(s). I do not share these usage statistics with any other party.